When we know the nature and causes of our health concern, usually by logical deduction we also know which therapist to consult. But in cases where the origin of our discomfort escapes us, and no doctor has been able to shed light on the question, what to do?
Once the medical emergency is ruled out, we have the option of consulting a therapist able to investigate the cause of our pain in a different way than conventional medicine. Medical imaging and instrumentalized examinations have their limits.
While many very versatile therapists with a rather global vision of the human constitution have developed their own assessment tools, which allow them to make a well-informed health check to determine adequate care.
- Sometimes the patient knows that the main basis of his health disorder is energetic. The acupuncturist or homeopath could then be a resource person.
- Other times the first need of the person is at the level of rehabilitation. For example: following the implantation of a prosthesis. It is common in this case for a doctor to direct the person to physiotherapy.
- For a patient who thinks that one of his vertebrae is “misplaced”, and who believes that this is the cause of his pain or health difficulties, the chiropractor offer services. He is not the only one by the way.
- When the client is looking above all for relaxation, massage therapists are among the good alternatives. Several specializations are offered in this field, suitable for various needs.
Some practitioners are particularly proficient in visual and postural observation, as well as listening to the tissues of the body through palpation. This allows them to make a fair health check and detect the cause of imbalances. This is the well-deserved reputation of osteopaths. When a patient does not know the basis of his health problem, osteopathy is a remarkable recourse.
Both its effectiveness, as well as the breadth of its vision, make its unique value. Thanks to his highly sensitive means of investigation, the osteopath detects the affected structures, perceives the nature of the problems, identifies the cause of the pain, and the priorities to be treated.
In addition , the field of application of osteopathy is vast. Its therapeutic means address functional problems of all kinds, traumatic or chronic disorders, neurological or muscular imbalances, digestive, or related to various tensions.
Osteopaths treat the difficulties of athletes, children, seniors. They treat adults of all conditions, pregnant ladies, people who have undergone surgeries, or those living with the most diverse dysfunctions. This is the singular versatility of osteopathy.
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Nevertheless, every discipline has its limits, and the osteopath knows his own. And he is well informed about the skills and indications of other disciplines. This is a great asset, when it comes time to refer. So when the osteopath is faced with one of his clinical limits with a patient, he knows which professional to direct him to.
Over the past 20 years, the following trends have been observed;
- Chiropractors began to use slightly less dry manipulations, using less force during treatments.
- Physiotherapists have increased a little the share of manual therapies within their care, although the share of device-assisted therapies (ultrasound, thermotherapy, electrotherapy, etc.), is still often dominant
- Massage therapists began to offer so-called “cranio-sacral” techniques
- Chiropractors and physiotherapists have begun to consider the whole organism and the patient a little more within their clinical practice.
To the Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), journalist Henry Buxant hands the microphone to practitioners of these disciplines and to Marcos Del Cuadro, a sports doctor at the Vidy medical centre in Lausanne, and in this interview he asks them if “the effectiveness and popularity of osteopathy have forced physiotherapy to reinvent itself”
The question is relevant. Some characteristics specific to osteopathy have been responding to a generalized need of patients for 30 years. And clients of chiropractors and physiotherapists have migrated to osteopathy. Has this movement prompted them to adjust?
Anyway for 2 decades some chiropractors and other therapists have been interested in understanding certain know-how and essential therapeutic principles to which osteopathy is recognized. Some have even taken a few classes in osteopathic schools. And without becoming osteopaths, they were still able to raise the level of their practices.
Free will
In the end, everyone is responsible for their approach to regaining health. All can document themselves, All have their experience and, hopefully, use it together with vigilance to guide their choice of a therapist. And beyond even the most talented documentation and experimentation, the most gifted sometimes use intuition to guide themselves. … Why not? Although this sense still needs to be awakened in most of us! Noble company…
Osteopath at home
Osteopathic consultations at home
For any information contact me.
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774