Daniel Parent

Osteopathy for BABY


It is certain that during pregnancy, osteopathy plays a fundamental role. It helps prevent certain complications and prepares the woman for childbirth. However, the role of the osteopath is not only around pregnancy. The intervention of this manual medicine practitioner extends to the baby. In infants, osteopathy can reveal the source of discomfort. Once the causes are discovered, the professional moves on to tailor-made pain treatment. This is what Daniel Parent does in his osteopathic practice in Saint-Lambert.

Daniel Parent osteopath

After academic studies at Laval University, Daniel Parent graduated with a B.Sc. in physical activity. He was able to put his skills into practice as an advisor in the world of sport. He then enrolled at the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques in Montreal. From this training institution, he graduated as an osteopath.

He opened his practice in order to practice privately his profession as an osteopath. Based in Longueuil, Daniel Parent works both in private practice and at home. This is particularly advantageous for osteopathic care to be provided to the mother and the child (baby).

Osteo Consultation for Baby

baby osteopath

Not all osteopathic care consultations take place in the same way.

At Daniel Parent’s osteopathic office, when a parent shows up for an appointment with their sick baby , we make every effort to determine the infant’s needs. We collect a set of information to enable us to set up an appropriate care plan

Always to determine the real causes of the discomfort felt by the baby, we interview the parents. The questions touch on many topics including the pregnancy process. We also go around the course of childbirth. Finally, we ask parents to describe the behavior of the infant from birth to the day of the consultation.

The osteopath examines the baby. This is usually done on the treatment table. Sometimes it is necessary for the child to remain in the arms of one of his parents during this evaluation. We then perform mobility tests on the baby and do the palpation. This helps him better determine what is wrong with the infant. If the problem is the responsibility of osteopathy, an adapted treatment plan will be put in place. In the event that the harm suffered by the infant is not the responsibility of the osteopath, the latter refers the parents to another health specialist such as the pediatrician.


Parents are also involved in the process of restoring homeostasis in children. Indeed, they are the first to notice the discomfort in the baby. They are also often the first to have brought the baby for consultation with a health professional. Moreover, they took into account the recommendations of the practitioner in order to help the child’s recovery. These recommendations relate to:

  • the child’s lifestyle;
  • the child’s diet;
  • the climate of peace relating to the child’s living environment;
  • the good quality of sleep of the baby…

If any of these ailments affect you, there are solutions. 514 382-4774

What does osteopathy treat?

The osteopath by his global approach uses specific consultation techniques. These means make it possible to reveal the causes of an ailment and to establish a real treatment plan based on manual practice either at the clinic or at home.

We treat several ailments in the baby:

  • colic, constipation, diarrhea;
  • difficulty in sucking;
  • asymmetry of the skull;
  • regurgitation and vomiting;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • torticollis;
  • sleep disorder;
  • chronic ENT disorders…

Faced with any of these ailments or dysfunctions, calling on a professional osteopath can allow you to soothe your infant or baby.

Osteopath at home

Osteopathy consultations at home
For any information contact me.




+1 (514) 382-4774



395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774

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