Daniel Parent
Osteopathy Clinic
In Chambly
To treat pain related to muscles and skeletons, there is nothing better than the intervention of an osteopath. His area of expertise can even go beyond back pain therapy. It can affect several areas or organs of the body. Let’s discover the world of this therapy applied by specialist Daniel Parent in Chambly.
Osteopath in CHAMBLY
If you live in Chambly, you will be delighted to receive the osteopathy care provided by Parent Ostéopathe. This clinic was created by Daniel Parent after he received his B.Sc. in physical activity. He also holds a DO from the Collège d’Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal.
Under the direction of Daniel Parent, the practice’s staff makes every effort to provide patients with the highest quality of care. This practical manual medicine is an alternative of choice for the treatment of pain. Our staff looks forward to welcoming you to the office.
Our approaches to care at the osteopathy office in CHAMBLY
At our osteopath clinic in Chambly, we have adopted a number of health care techniques. Generally, each of the pathologies such as back pain, neck pain, etc. is the common consequence of several causes. Therefore, during a treatment session, several techniques will be used. Several approaches will also be followed. These are:
- structural approaches: they concern the joints and the whole of biological mechanics;
- visceral approaches: they concern the viscera and all other organs;
- cranial osteopathy: it affects the bones of the skull and other areas;
- Reactivation of vital energy: this approach involves the body’s energy and aims to achieve a state of homeostasis in the body.
Osteopathy care in general and sore back care is based on the search for the causes of the ailment. To be able to rid the patient of his suffering and provide him with well-being, it is necessary to go through several steps. Each step corresponds to one of the approaches we have just mentioned.
What happens during a session at the osteopathy practice in Chambly
To achieve our desired results, in a fairly short time, we have set up a treatment protocol.
For the first visit to us, the patient goes through the anamnesis stage. This involves submitting a questionnaire to the patient in order to determine his or her motivations for coming for consultation. It is here that we discover the symptoms experienced by him. A health check-up will be done taking into account the patient’s medical history as well as their past or recent traumas.
This will be followed by a physical examination . It consists of the osteopath observing the patient in various positions. Several mobility tests will be carried out. We will assess its vitality. Several techniques, including palpation, are used.
The osteopath will then set up a treatment plan. It can change over time depending on the progress made. Manual techniques are at the heart of the treatment. The subject will be dressed in clothes specially made for osteopathic care. These relatively elastic garments make it much easier to move. Following each treatment session, advice is given to patients by the practitioner.
With us, a treatment session lasts, about 45 minutes. You can then schedule a next appointment if necessary.
If any of these ailments affect you, there are solutions. 514 382-4774
What are the treatment problemsWhat ailments does osteopathy treat?
At the genesis of all pain is a cause. We know this so well that we easily understand you when you complain of pain even though the medical tests reveal nothing. So osteopathy reveals itself by its global approach as the best alternative to get rid of these ailments. At Clinique Parent, we treat several ailments:
- relating to muscles and joints;
- on the digestive level;
- relating to the sequelae of trauma;
- related to neurological disorders;
- on the neuro-vegetative level;
- cranial plane;
- related to the urinary and gynaecological system;
- relating to the circulatory system;
- ENT and pulmonary ENT;
- around pregnancy;
- in babies;
- affecting children and adolescents;
- related to the condition of seniors/seniors.
Faced with all these ailments, osteopathy has proven its effectiveness time and time again. It is important to note that it is our policy not to wait for illness to occur in order to provide care. We are also in a preventive approach.
Osteopathy at home: patient care in Chambly
For many reasons, opting for osteopathy at home is the best choice. First of all, this approach is particularly adapted to the condition of people with reduced mobility. Seniors also find it very interesting to opt for this approach.
Visiting an osteopath at home as part of a care can be of great benefit to pregnant women. Indeed, they usually have difficulty driving or walking. Let’s not forget that the situation of a pregnant woman is delicate. The volume of their bellies in the third trimester particularly restricts their movements.
In the same vein, it is useful to plan osteopathic consultations at home for the baby and its mother. The fact is that moving an infant requires complex arrangements. The mother must carry everything she will need to take care of her baby. And let’s not forget the moments spent behind the wheel with an infant in the back seat. There is also the transition from baby to stroller and vice versa.
Finally, at-home sessions are also suitable for people who really don’t have the time to go to the clinic. They could ask the osteopath Parent to come to the office for sessions during break hours.
Osteopath at home
Osteopathy consultations at home
For any information contact me.
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774