Daniel Parent
Osteopathy is increasingly known for its effectiveness on many ailments (urinary problems, digestive problems, migraines, various pains, etc.). This reputation is growing further thanks to the publications of scientists who continue to confirm the benefits of this alternative medicine. Today, we automatically think of an osteopath when we feel pain. However, this discipline is not only curative. Many people do not know its preventive nature. Indeed, the preventive approach promotes the maintenance of people in good health. This makes it possible to anticipate the accumulations and the permanent installation of symptoms. It is in this context that the Osteopath Parent practice offers the best services in osteopathic prevention.
Why do an osteopathic preventive consultation?
The human body is often subject to various kinds of trauma, whether physical (accidents, falls, body aches…) or psychological (anxiety, bereavement, depression, etc.). Thus, even if we do not always notice it, our body suffers enough shocks on a daily basis. These traumas can accumulate and cause joint blockages, tension in the muscles or tissues. These problems will manifest as the pains we feel.
However, the body has an advantage: the ability to heal itself (homeostasis) since the body can adapt to external pressures. Indeed, by using a particular posture, it compensates for the lesions born of the different shocks. The body therefore gradually returns to its initial state and the body regains its movements. However, when the latter is not in good dispositions, it will not be able to regenerate and the evils will increase. From this moment, you will begin to feel the symptoms, which will cause the arduous pains that force you to see the osteopath.
Preventive treatment makes it possible to anticipate these ailments created by the accumulations of trauma. By consulting the osteopath, the latter will be able to mitigate the dysfunctions through palpation (the main process of this discipline) before they accumulate. The specialist, by his processes, then grants your body the ability to maintain a good shape to ward off possible aggressions.
Osteopathic prevention in babies
Wall pressures during pregnancy and contractions during childbirth are not easy for the infant. This is why more and more maternity hospitals offer young mothers an osteopathic consultation for newborns. This consultation first allows you to get an idea of the tensions stored by the baby’s body. Then, the osteopath will do a regular follow-up in order to detect through this manual medicine, the blockages that affect the child’s growth. These include deformities, problems related to digestion, etc. Management can manage, for example, cranial deformity in your infant.
If any of these ailments affect you, there are solutions. 514 382-4774
Osteopathic prevention in pregnant women
Just like her infant, the woman who is expecting a baby must take good care of her body. It is very advantageous for her to perform osteopathic prevention to prepare for the big day. Indeed, certain problems such as sacrolumbar blockage or blockage of the pelvis can complicate childbirth. These ailments also increase the pressure on your baby. For this, it is essential to make a postpartum assessment to release the thrusts exerted at the level of the abdominals and at the level of the pelvis during childbirth.
Osteopathic prevention in athletes
The body of an athlete is constantly solicited, and this, in a rough way. It is therefore necessary to carry out preventive assessments in order to minimize the risk of injury and ensure its well-being. For high-level professionals (competitors), we advise you to do it minimum, twice a year. An exam is recommended before the start of the season and another during the season before a competition for example. The preventive method also allows you to be more efficient, because you fluidify the movement of your body through the manual practices of the specialist.
Prevention is better than cure
Opt for the preventive method at Osteopath Parent to avoid the appearance of acute ailments. The global approach of this alternative medicine detects the accumulated lesions and relieves them before they come to settle permanently. Our agency has the best services in this area. We advise for the older ones, one consultation per year if you have no history. For athletes, especially high-level athletes who participate in competitions, we recommend at least two consultations per year. Finally, in the baby, it is necessary to carry out as soon as possible, a check-up to know his state of health.
Osteopath at home
Osteopathic consultations at home
For any information contact me.
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774
395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5
(514) 382-4774