
Daniel Parent



Muscle, joint, cranial, neurological pain, as well as certain dysfunctions are common in people of advanced age. They can also affect children and young people for different reasons. And to solve these discomforts, the best is to opt for natural measures that work, like osteopathy. If you live on the South Shore of Montreal (Boucherville) and suffer from such disorders, do not hesitate to contact the Daniel Parent osteopathy clinic. People experiencing all kinds of conditions are relieved at Parent Osteopath.

Osteopathy in Boucherville

You live in Boucherville and you may be suffering from musculoskeletal pain or other nature? Parent Osteopath is at the service of Boucherville residents every day, participating in their recovery. Since 2011 near Boucherville and for 20 years in the Montreal area, we have welcomed a large clientele for osteopathic care. At our office, the treatment of people with pain is provided by an alternative health professional distinguished by his know-how.

Consultation approaches for the people of Boucherville

D. Parent, an osteopath, and his colleagues practice several care techniques. The choice of either of these techniques is determined by the nature, severity and causes of the patient’s pain . Depending on the case presented, we can adopt the visceral approach, the structural approach, the revival of vital energy, the cranial approach, etc.

Sometimes a single cause can cause several symptoms , in the form of pain or discomfort in different parts of the body. When this happens, we address the cause with the appropriate care. When the cause is well addressed, we can get an improvement on a good part of the symptoms in the same session.

conduct of an osteopath session in Boucherville

Generally, 2 to 3 sessions are enough to observe an improvement. Subsequently, depending on the degree of this improvement, we see if and how to continue. A few steps usually make up an osteopathic care session, including anamnesis, physical examination , development of the care plan, completion of the care, and post-care evaluation.

During the anamnesis, the osteopath listens to the patient’s complaints and feelings and asks him questions to better understand the manifestations and causes of his health problems.

Continuing with the physical examination we observe the posture, the symmetry between the right and the left, the lines of gravity, the alignment of the patient’s body, etc. ; We then use mobility tests and palpation to complete the investigation. After these steps we can set up a care plan to solve the cause(s) of the health problems at the origin of the patient’s consultation.

Finally, from a prevention perspective, and to prevent recurrence or relapse, the osteopath often uses lifestyle advice, exercise suggestions, etc.

If any of these ailments affect you, there are solutions. 514 382-4774

When to use the osteopath’s clinic near Boucherville

Pain can directly or indirectly affect different parts of the body, dysfunctions can affect different systems: joints, nerves, the ENT and pulmonary system, the musculoskeletal system, the circulatory, digestive, or muscular system, etc.

Muscle and joint pain

At the level of the muscles and joints, a treatment at our clinic makes it possible to settle the vast majority of low back pain, torticollis, sequelae of whiplash or scoliosis, etc. Significant improvements are also achieved in cases of tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis, etc.

Pain due to digestive disorders

If you experience sensations of gastric reflux, colopathy, constipation, bloating, diarrhea or liver discomfort, entrust your care to our expert 5 minutes from Boucherville to feel better on the digestive level.

The consequences of a previous trauma

All kinds of pain can arise from old traumas, shocks, violent falls, surgery and scars, and sometimes also emotional wounds, . Our clinic, Parent Osteopath will help eliminate or relieve most of the sequelae of trauma.

Root pain

Parent Osteopath near Boucherville is also often consulted for neurological disorders. The results are very good in this area If you suffer from acute or chronic irradiation in a limb or on the path of a nerve, we encourage you to go to our clinic for effective relief.

Other suffering treated by an osteopath

Apart from the cases highlighted above, we treat people with problems related to the neuro-vegetative and cranial systems, dysfunctions of the circulatory system, respiratory and digestive difficulties, disorders around pregnancy or blockages following a strenuous delivery. Our practice also offers a solution if baby regurgitates too much, cries abnormally, or has stunted growth, or if a child has fallen or suffered trauma. Seniors, seniors, elderly people affected by rheumatism, urinary disorders or joint blockages will also find a certain help in osteopathy.

The advantages of using an osteopath at home

For people who have temporary or permanent difficulties with transportation,care can take place at home. Osteopathy at home allows you to receive treatments at home, without having to face the difficulties associated with travel. This option is sometimes used by patients with reduced mobility. No matter which neighborhood of Boucherville you live in, you can count on Parent Ostéopathe for care at your place of residence.

If any of these ailments affect you, there are solutions. 514 382-4774

Osteopath at home

Osteopathy consultations at home
For any information contact me.



+1 (514) 382-4774



395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774

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