Daniel Parent

Osteopathy to regulate DIGESTION

digestive system

Osteopathy based on the principle of homeostasis (the body’s ability to heal itself) makes it possible to treat several physical (joint pain) or psychological (stress, depression, etc.) ailments. The other peculiarity of this alternative medicine is its ability to relieve digestive disorders . Indeed, the organs of the digestive system are connected to each other and connected to the musculoskeletal system. Thus, there are links between problems related to digestion and those related to muscles. For example, external compressions on the digestive tract can slow the progress of the food bolus during digestion thus creating these ailments. The global approach of osteopathy then makes it possible to remove the various blockages in order to facilitate digestion.

Anatomy of the digestive system

The anatomy of the digestive system makes it easy to see that there is a relationship between digestion and certain muscles. In reality, this system consists of several organs that run from the mouth to the anus. It is composed of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon. During digestion, food will move through the digestive system and undergo several transformations. First of all, in the mouth, under the effect of chewing, saliva and gastric juices, it will be crushed and broken down. The food bolus will undergo further metamorphoses and nutrients will pass from the duodenum to the colon. Finally, the body will take out the waste through the anus. During the mechanism, two main movements are observed: the mobility and the motility of the organ, which allows the food bolus to move forward. There is a correlation between these two movements. Indeed, when the organ undergoes external pressures, the food bolus is slowed down in its movement. This is when you begin to feel the symptoms of digestive disorders.

What are the symptoms?

Muscle dysfunction can affect digestion and damage to the digestive system can also create muscle pain. Your osteopath will allow you to relieve these digestive ailments that are:

  • Acid reflux (gastric reflux);
  • Heartburn;
  • Bloating;
  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Organ ptosis;
  • Slow digestion;
  • Dysphagia;
  • Nausea;
  • Irritation of the colon;
  • Colitis;
  • Abdominal pain…

There are still several other digestive problems that your osteopath can treat. However, if any of these disorders are accompanied by symptoms such as fever, the appearance of blood, chronic fatigue, then consultation with a doctor becomes mandatory. The latter may carry out additional examinations in order to establish a complete medical diagnosis. If you do not suffer from any pathology, you can always visit your osteopath, a specialist in manual medicine.

If any of these ailments affect you, there are solutions. 514 382-4774

What is the role of the osteopath?

Osteopathy is an interesting alternative to treat the disorders mentioned above (problems in the esophagus and stomach). Indeed, the specialist through manual practices (palpation) will detect lesions that affect the motility of the area concerned. Osteopathy actually uses a comprehensive approach to the body and has the advantage of detecting and treating the cause of disorders. It is essential to act on the direct environment of the party as well as its indirect environment. Thus, in order to have short- and long-term results, the specialist works not only on the nerve, ligament, vascularization, but also on vertebral lesions. Then, he works on the body, especially on disorders related to posture and cranial lesions. Depending on your pain and in order to have a state of long-term well-being , care over several consultations may be essential.

If you suffer from nausea for example after a heavy and fatty meal, your specialist can use local treatment processes to relieve your liver and help you digest better.

Some advice from your osteopath

A good diet is a good way to manage your digestive problems. At Ostéopathe Parent, we therefore recommend that you have a healthy and balanced diet. Avoid as much as possible excess sugar (sodas, sweets, etc.) and fats (pastries, foods that are too fatty, etc.). These foods are the cause of inflammation in your digestive tract.

Also, it is important to hydrate well by regularly drinking water to facilitate digestion. If you are an athlete or if it is hot, increase your daily water intake. In addition, herbal teas and teas also promote good digestion and keep you healthy.

Osteopath at home

Osteopathy consultations at home
For any information contact me.




+1 (514) 382-4774



395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774


395 Maple Avenue, Saint-Lambert, QC, J4P-2S5

(514) 382-4774

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